Celebrating over 50 years of service, Waters, McPherson, McNeill, P.C. is a mid-sized firm with a special expertise in real estate development and environmental law. Our executive partners each have twenty or more years representing clients in complex real estate matters.
New Jersey is the most densely populated state in the nation. Real estate development and redevelopment in New Jersey frequently presents serious regulatory challenges to the client. Environmental expertise often is needed to accelerate development by obtaining regulatory approvals and securing Brownfields reimbursement agreements, where available. We have a proven reputation for guiding clients successfully through that regulatory maze since our firm was founded in 1962 - - always being sensitive to the client's business needs and strategies.
Large scale development often requires expertise in a number of specific real estate related areas. Such representation frequently requires skill and experience in land use, redevelopment law, hazardous waste remediation, NJDEP permits and approvals, Army Corps permits, NJDOT highway access permits, tax abatements, due diligence, condominium registrations, acquisitions, and mortgaging. We have a team of partners with broad experience in representing clients in large scale developments. That experience is equally applicable to smaller projects.
We also have an active litigation practice, which includes substantial asbestos and toxic tort defense work, as well as general commercial and equity litigation, white collar criminal defense work, and appeals. Our real estate development expertise also lends support to the related litigation, areas of tax appeals, foreclosures, eminent domain, and appeals of governmental approvals.
We also have represented a number of governmental entities in a wide variety of contexts. Our experience in governmental representation allows us insight into the governmental process, which enhances our ability to represent our private clients. We also have experience in other practice areas, such as corporate investigations, estate planning and probate, public utilities law, and employment law.
We take great pride in providing high quality legal representation to our clients and offering creative solutions to their particular complex problems. We invite you to review some of the representative matters which we have handled and some of the representative clients for whom we have provided services.
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- 300 Lighting Way
Secaucus, New Jersey 07096